Performance Analysis
- Performance Analysis can be seen as a series of processes or techniques that collect, analyze, and improve from performance levels when a business conducts operations. Factors such as Accuracy, Simplicity, Flexibility, and Intrusiveness should all be considered when examining such performance data.
- Content includes ways of obtaining performance data and processes associated in successful doing performance analysis
Determination of Strategic Options
- Strategic options is all about giving direction and purpose. While it functions on these two parameters it is flexible and recognizes the position of the business with the external environment.
- Content includes information on strategic options/planning and relevant information/tools on examining strategic options to take
Source:, Date retrieved: August,14,2014.
BCG Growth Share Matrix
- The Boston Matrix created by the Boston Consulting Group is a chart that helps businesses analyse their business product lines. This tool is extremely useful in brand marketing, product management, strategic management, and portfolio analysis.
- Content includes information on using and interpreting the matrix for all scales and stages of businesses
Source:, Date retrieved: August,14,2014.
- Identifying threats and opportunities primarily through SWOT analysis is an extremely effective tool in determining competitor advantage and areas of growth or opportunity
- Content includes ways of doing the SWOT analysis and finding meaningful interpretations from the analysis
Source:, Date retrieved: August,14,2014.