Disciplinary Action
- Understanding the legal implications of terminating an employee is extremely important. Understanding the responsibilities that come with such actions and employment/labor standards as well as human rights jurisdiction with it ensure a regulated procedure. Further to act in a professional way in doing a termination is key to maintaing a business environment and a sense of respect as well.
- Content will include key concepts about termination, laws and regulations governing termination, and sample reports that demonstrate the format of termination letters.
Source: hrcouncil.ca, Date retrieved: August,7,2014.
Termination Packages
- In the final steps of the termination comes payments for any policies outlines in the initial settlement of the employee contract. Policies should be regulated by established responsibilities and conditions outlined in each provincial labor standards and is critical that all employers and managers abide by them to ensure no legal repercussions.
- Content will include guidebooks on labor standards set forth by both Saskatchewan and Alberta, articles on various termination packages, and resources demonstrating the procedures in place for having such packages in place.
To read about standards and definitions, click here
For standards specific to Saskatchewan, click here
Outplacement Services
Download a PDF on career termination services here
Termination Conversation
- Within the process of termination comes the conversing with employees which many managers and owners fail to professionally deliver. Often in planning the termination conversation results in a smoother termination and subsequent discussions/submissions.
- Content will include major mistakes to avoid when having termination conversations, sample topics to discuss in such conversations, and feedback assessment reports demonstration reason for terminations.
Source: winthrop.com, Date retrieved: August,07,2014
Record of Employment
- Record of Employment is one of the most important documents any business has on their employees when establishing claim for Employee Benefits (EI). Both electronic and paper formats are available to ensure assessment of benefits for the employee is taken place.
- Content will include external links to Service Canada on filing ROE, types of benefits associated with ROE, and to appropriately fill ROE forms.
Read about ROE here
- With changing business environments, operational restructuring is critical to ensure improving efficiency, controlling costs, and coping with the business environment.
- Content will include files on aspects of restructuring and related consequences from them, benefits of restructuring, and various other resources on how to restructure various elements of your business and how that can impact share/stake holders in the company.
Source: emraldgroup.ca, Date retrieved: August,7,2024. Authors: Beixin Lin and Zu-Hsu Lee (Nov,2008).
Exit Interviews
Source: hrcouncil.ca, Date retrieved: August,7,2014.