You have probably heard of this saying many times,
“Do what you love, and you will never work a day in your life.”
With that saying in mind, we often assume that if we are good at something, we should gain some benefits from doing it. And if we are good at it and we love it, we should definitely make money from it.
By doing that, however, we set ourselves up with unrealistic expectations. We begin to use commercial success to measure our pleasure activities. We begin to take others opinion personally, and we lose the boundary between what we do for a living and what we do for ourselves.
Starting your own business can be very fulfilling, but there are many challenges along the way. The very thing that you love to do could lose its magical appeal very quickly when it gets mixed in with day-to-day drudgery.
So the above saying may ring true to some, but not so much for others. Don’t ever feel pressured to start a business just because a well-being friend (or family member) suggested you should make money from something that you are good at. Hobbies are allowed to be unprofitable. You are allowed to do something just because it brings you joy.